Saturday, January 3, 2009

Our songs....

We have had two song writing session thus far, and a total of four rough drafts (though one is lost).

Song numero uno is an expression of frustration about two people. One just wants to watch television after a long day at work and the other is frustrated that he won't read all these great classics - literature at it's best, she says. He has no interest, and this is her way of dealing with this frustration - to write about it (because it is in literature and dialogue that is where she is whole).

The following songs were created during a discussion of what mattered most in our lives nowadays, and what we lived for, what inspires us, what frustrates us - we are trying to get to the heart of matters - because meaning is what we live for.

Song numero dos is about the uncertainties that lay in the future - it's a personal inner dialogue for both Jackie and Caitlin (Jackie is currently a full-time volunteer and is not yet sure of what she will be doing come next summer, and Caitlin is a high school senior applying to colleges and also not sure of what's to come). While being personal it just hints at what it below the surface and not does not explicitly state it.

Song numero tres is set on a cold winter's day when all you want to do is curl up in a comfy chair near a warm hearth and be consumed by your favorite literature.

Song numero cuatro is about losing touch with someone. Despite living close and being connected by a number of ways (internet, phone, text), still getting caught up in life and forgetting what and who really matters - and for what, how long will this go on.

A taste of our history

We are Portable Reinforcements - a band started as a form of self-expression - We both like to write, so as a way to say what we want to say in a world that doesn't always allow.

Our name came from our first practice session - We were strumming our guitars, Caitlin on her electric, me on my acoustic, trying to think of a name that best captured who we were. There on her floor was a package of Portable Reinforcements (you know those little sticky circles that help papers not tear out of your binder).

Portable because we're not bound to just one place - we still have that sense of idealism about us - we're not afraid to go where we need to go and do what is in our hearts.
Reinforcements because we have a natural tendency towards supporting others - towards helping people and reinforcing their positive outlooks - helping them to realize what they have within their selves.

So that's our name and what it means to us.